Growing up in a dysfunctional family with a father who drank hard liquor, a mother who smoked weed, and considerably older siblings exposed Brenda to destructive behaviors. She had access to things that weren't good for a young child.

Additionally, Brenda felt overlooked and rejected, which led to hanging out with people who were not good influences. "I looked for a place to fit in, and doing drugs was that place. I danced with the devil," Brenda shared.

After having her son, Brenda decided, "I had to turn the page, I had to get to the place where I couldn't let the dysfunction that I had chosen to be my life story. I had to make a decision to pivot. To overcome. To move in a different direction."

Reading God's Word slowly began transforming her. Dancing with the devil changed to dancing in the freedom of God's love. Brenda fought hard to overcome the demons of her past, and now she is excited to tell others about how Jesus will help them overcome their struggles too.

Brenda shared, "You don't appreciate the overcome unless you understand the undercome."

Brenda is a business life coach. You can learn more about her coaching and connect with her at