I'm excited to have author, speaker, health coach, and friend Christine Trimpe join me again.  She's known as the 'joy girl' as she's learned to seek joy no matter what challenge she's facing!

And Christine's faced several challenges! You might remember Christine from episode 53: An Invitation to Sit at His Table. In that episode, she shared about her incredible weight loss transformation.  If you haven't already listened to it, I encourage you to check it out.

About the same time Christine was seeing great results with her weight loss journey, another challenge intersected her path.  Her son, Kyle, was involved in a catastrophic car accident, which significantly impacted his life.

Because their insurance company repeatedly denied Kyle's treatments and therapies claims, a court battle followed. Christine leaned hard on God when the challenges weighed heavy on her, seeking God's strength and focusing on the joy in her life.

Psalm 27 and 37 were her 'go-to- verses, reminding her to not fret about the circumstances and to trust God. As she pondered these verses, she realized, "My job is to trust God. God's job is the outcome." WOW! What great wisdom!

To learn more about Christine, go to www.christinetrimpe.com. Her book, Seeking Joy through the Gospel of Luke: A Christmas to Calvary Advent Countdown, is available on Amazon.