WARNING: Today’s episode contains graphic content about human trafficking and could be a trigger for people who have experienced abuse or violence at the hands of another. 

January is National Slavery & Human Trafficking Prevention month. It is difficult to hear the atrocities of human trafficking and its impact on human lives. My guest, Sandy Storm, shares the numerous challenges she faced throughout the twenty years she was exploited and dehumanized, she also shares how during those difficult years, she believed God had a plan for her life. 

Could any good come from someone so broken? Yes!!! 

Sandy cried out to God, handing him her broken life. He graciously exchanged her brokenness with salvation wrapped in His unfailing love. Her healing and restoration led her to the realization God made her a new creation. Filled with this life-changing news, Sandy drew close to Him. 

Remember Joseph’s reply to his brothers? He said, “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish the saving of many lives.” God whispered the same words to her and said He preserved her during those horrific years, so she could be a part of the solution to ending human trafficking. 

Thus, Sandy is a modern-day abolitionist and serves as the Director of Strategic impact for Deliver Fund, a non-profit whose mission is to keep communities safe by bringing human traffickers to justice. Her experiences and knowledge make her a powerful warrior who IS helping to destroy the darkness in our world.

Her three novellas based on her experiences – Becoming Navi, Hello Navi, and Goodbye Navi – are available on Amazon

To learn more about Sandy or connect with her, visit her website at authorsandystorm.com

If you are interested in learning more about Deliver Fund’s efforts to end human trafficking or joining their prayer team, please visit deliverfund.org.

If you are being trafficked or know someone who is, the Human Trafficking hotline is 1-888-373-7888. All calls are confidential.