Ever find it difficult to stay focused when you're praying? I know I do!

I believe I'd be hard-pressed to find one person who couldn't admit to feeling distracted while praying. While we know prayer is an incredible blessing because we are communicating directly with God, our brains jump to investigate every stray thought and noise. Determination to stay focused works for a while, but then ... well, you know. You realize you're thinking about what you need at the grocery store, how your daughter needs new cleats for soccer, or how you want those new boots but know they are not in the budget.

My guest, Kathy McInnis, shares a habit she's incorporated into her prayer time that helps her stay focused: prayer journaling. You'll hear her describe how she uses it, but please know it's not a magic formula. It works for her because she started with writing her prayers in a journal and then tried new ways to connect with God using her journal.

If you've always wanted to try prayer journaling or you're just curious how in the world writing in a journal helps you stay focused during prayer, grab a pen and paper and take some notes of the different ways Kathy uses her prayer journal. Make sure to jot down what positive outcomes she's experienced too!

Want to connect with Kathy? Go to ferventgrace.org