Today's guest is Janet Perez Eckles. She is a speaker and the author of five books. In her story episode, we discussed excerpts from her memoir, Now I See: How God's Amazing Grace Transforms the Deepest Pain to Shining Joy, which included her son’s murderer being found not guilty.

Anger, bitterness, and unforgiveness are understandable reactions to learning the man who murdered her son was found not guilty. While Janet didn’t understand how that verdict was possible, she decided she didn’t want to carry anger, bitterness, and unforgiveness. Instead, she chose to forgive her son’s killer. 

From that day forward, Janet has chosen to forgive her son’s killer. She’s found freedom in forgiveness. 

Janet and I define freedom and forgive. Janet explains, “Freedom is a choice that sets you free.” And she goes on to say, “Forgiveness also allowed us to welcome more fully the radiance of God’s love. A love that filled us even when we didn’t understand the seeming injustice.”

Janet explained that she realized God would hold her son’s killer responsible. And God would hold her responsible for unforgiveness if she held onto it. 

Janet shares show unforgiveness keeps you in bondage. In pain. Forgiving the person who hurt you or did wrong to you sets you free from the bondage and pain. 

If Janet can forgive the man who killed her son, we, too, can forgive those who’ve hurt us.
 Notable quotes from this episode with Janet Eckles:

·         “Even though he hadn’t served one day in prison, he would be accountable to God . . . We, too, would be accountable to God if he continued to hold resentment, anger, or animosity toward this man. The only step God required from us was to extend forgiveness.”

·         “You really can’t move forward to that abundant life that God has prepared for you if you hold onto unforgiveness . . . Forgiveness is a choice that sets you free.”

·         “Life has meaning. Life has a purpose. Life has joy and peace no matter what happens to you if you put your trust and your life in Christ Jesus.”

Bible verses:

·         John 15:5

·         Romans 8:28

·         Proverbs 3:5-6

·         Proverbs 18:21

Check out Amazon for Janet's books. Learn more about her and invite her speak by visiting her website.

Connect with Janet Eckles on Facebook and Instagram.