Walmart & Rakuten team up, live it up in JAXA’s simulated space station & a new portable iOS keyboard! Plus, some Pokemon news and if you’re “very hungry”, do I have the cafe for you! All this, and a few instant photos, on this week’s #ZettaiGeekDayo!

As always, if you have any comments, questions, concerns, topics or you just wanna chat, I’d love to hear from you. Please tweet them at me on Twitter @kayleedayo with the hashtag #ZettaiGeekDayo so I can find them.

@kayleedayo (English)

@purplefuku (Japanese)


Tech News in Japan

楽天とWal-Mart、日米で提携 「楽天西友ネットスーパー」オープンへ

運転中「ポケモンGO」で死亡事故 被告の実刑確定へ

Pokémon GO-playing driver’s two year prison sentence for manslaughter upheld. Was it enough?

Nintendo and Pokémon Company help grade-school boy get over bullying incident, earn lifelong fan

JAXA paying people 380,000 yen to drop out of life for two weeks

Japan Clinical Volunteer Network application page (Japanese)

(It didn’t occur to me when I was recording this that, by the time the podcast was released, it’d be too late to apply… Oh well…)


We tried the awesome battery-free, instant photo printer for smartphones and came away impressed

Printoss (Japanese)

Printoss TPJ-03SO (

Amazonが日本版Alexaスキルの人気ランキング発表。12月の1位はあの定番ラジオ (Japanese)

Main Stories

Unlimited Japanese SIM Card by Mobal

moumoon (Wikipedia)

They have been doing a free, live internet broadcast on the full moon of every month for years and years now, and the archives are free to watch on their official YouTube channel!

moumoon – pride (YouTube)

moumoon – follow me (YouTube)

moumoon – Never Look Back (YouTube)

ローランド、音響ミキサーをワイヤレス・コントロールできるiPad用無料アプリ「M-480 Remote」公開