docomo helps travellers, au helps parents and SoftBank helps teachers! Plus, mixi’s still open (somehow), DMM’s chomping at the Bit(coin) and an MVNO warning when travelling to the States! All this (and a few idols) on this week’s #ZettaiGeekDayo!

As always, if you have any comments, questions, concerns, topics or you just wanna chat, I’d love to hear from you. Please tweet them at me on Twitter @kayleedayo with the hashtag #ZettaiGeekDayo so I can find them.

@kayleedayo (English)

@purplefuku (Japanese)


Tech News in Japan

NHK apologizes for false missile alert

Earthquake warnings leave Kanto jolted, but the big shake never came


18歳未満のiPhone、宿題サボるとアプリが突然消える!? auの改正新法対応フィルタリングサービス


CES: 三井住友カード、「ロック機能付きクレジットカード」発表 カード番号を液晶で表示

「mixi閉鎖」のうわさ、ミクシィが否定 「閉鎖の予定ない」


pixivにライブ配信機能 お絵かきを生中継

Anker、iPhone Xを立ててワイヤレス充電できる PowerPort Wireless 5 Standなど発売




仮想通貨取引サイト「DMM Bitcoin」が本日サービス開始。手数料の低さが売り

DMM Bitcoin

Main Story

KDDI Mobile Sim – New Registration (Japanese)

Fun Stuff

Introducing Virtual Currency Girls, the new electronic money-themed, educational idol group

And their single. I mean, with such lyrics as:

“Hot day forget myself go to the moon イイジャナイ”, how can you say no?

115 series trains

JR東「かぼちゃ列車」引退へ 上越線などで活躍

*sigh* Still kinda sad about Momoclo…

Here’s a minute long video of that 2014 concert I talked about at the former Olympic Stadium. Dang it, this was an AMAZING weekend. Please watch this one. ♡

Momoiro Clover – Hashire!

(This episode of the podcast get its title from original English lyrics which I wrote/translated of this song,