Goodbye to garakei LINE, Space World & TicketCamp. Plus, KFC breaks records, AbemaTV makes a move for new year’s programming and what DO we do in Japan for “Oshogatsu”? Spend your days of auld lang syne with #ZettaiGeekDayo!

As always, if you have any comments, questions, concerns, topics or you just wanna chat, I’d love to hear from you. Please tweet them at me on Twitter @kayleedayo with the hashtag #ZettaiGeekDayo so I can find them.

@kayleedayo (English)

@purplefuku (Japanese)


Tech News in Japan

ガラケー版LINE終了へ 5年でユーザー95%減

Japan’s disaster alerts will work with all Android 8.1 phones


Omotena Seals (Japanese)

Crane Game Video – 「絶対に取れる」クレーンゲームで47万円詐取か

Japanese arcade owner arrested for allegedly rigging crane games to be unwinnable


ミクシィ、チケキャン終了を正式発表 18年5月末に

Main Stories

KFC Japan earned 6 billion yen over Christmas weekend, proving that Japan loves Christmas chicken

New Year’s Greetings in Japanese

NHK Kōhaku Uta Gassen

No-Laughing Batsu Games


Splashtop Personal

What’s the best way to ring in the new year in Tokyo? Try the countdown event at Shibuya crossing

New Year’s Eve in Shibuya (Video)

New Year’s Eve/Day, Traditional Style (Video)

Meiji Jingu Hatsumode (Video)


アップルストア初売り、福袋 Lucky Bag の大当たりは今年も MacBook Air

【本日開催】アップルの初売りが超お得!MacBook・iPad Pro購入で還元1万円オーバー

Fun Stuff

Here’s your chance to ride Japan’s maglev Shinkansen in spring, nine years before service starts
