The 2nd “Wave” of LINE’s smart speakers, self-driving taxis in Yokohama, plus SIM cards and Hue lights and drones working overtime! (Oh, my). And the wait is over: WiMAX! (And Pocket Wi-Fis, too!) All this & more on this week’s #ZettaiGeekDayo!

As always, if you have any comments, questions or topics you’d like me to cover, please tweet them at me @kayleedayo on Twitter with the hashtag #ZettaiGeekDayo so I can find them.

@kayleedayo (English)

@purplefuku (Japanese)


This year, to save me (and you. …mostly you…) from tears, I’d recommend you get an unlimited plan…

Tech News in Japan

LINEのスマートスピーカー第2弾、Clova Friendsが12月14日に発売。人気キャラクターを採用

LINE Payカード店頭販売終了のお知らせ。改悪により店頭で買えなくなることが確定

b-mobile S 190 Pad SIM (Japanese)

Nissan will test its self-driving taxi service in Japan next year

スマート照明 Philips Hue、人感センサー国内販売開始。価格は4400円前後


NHK reveals journalist’s 2013 death was caused by overwork

Will this new ‘go home’ drone end Japan’s overtime binge?

Main Stories

Y! mobile (Japanese)

So-net WiMAX (Japanese)

WiMAX2 最安値比較 2017年12月!(Comparison Page in Japanese) – Pocket Wi-Fi & WiMAX comparisons

(Keep in mind that many times, the “monthly prices” on kakaku take into account the cash back that you get from signing up…)

Fun Stuff

Pokémon Rescue (Main Site, Japanese)

Pokémon Rescue – Case #03 (YouTube, English Subtitles)

PASOKONGA-paintings – Tatsuo Horiuchi is painting pictures on PC with EXCEL.

The Michelangelo of Microsoft Excel

MX4D (Japanese)

See you next week!