Today you'll get a glimpse inside Myanmar with Dustin Main.

Dustin is a talented photographer, location independent entrepreneur, and helps travelers with technology through his website Too Many Adapters. Plus he has become a go to expert on travel in Myanmar and today he shares why Myanmar should be on your travel radar.

Dustin Main has traveled to Myanmar more than a dozen times, spending more than a year in the country and has documented the changing stories of the Myanmar people through This Myanmar Life.

Listen Now To Learn: What is the draw to Myanmar
What creates a sense of urgency to visit Myanmar
Ways to have beautiful experiences with locals
A simple tip to be a rockstar in Myanmar
Where the magic really happens in Myanmar (and how to let it come to you)
How to use reverse engineering to travel hack Myanmar
Why to follow the lunar calendar when traveling to Myanmar
Where to find one of the most favorite places to photograph (in the world!)
The best things and places to eat in Myanmar
And Much more!

Resources: Republic of Georgia
Top 5 World’s Cheapest Destinations
Travel in the Middle East
The Ultimate Guide To Budget Travel In Japan
Trekking in Patagonia
The Skinny On Travel Tech
Location Indie
Too Many Adapters
This Myanmar Life
Dustin Main
Un-Tours to Myanmar
Shwedagon Pagoda
Inle Lake
U Bein Bridge

Be sure to head over to the archives for more Zero To Travel Podcasts!

Photos courtesy of Dustin Main