Terry Newman is currently an MA student in the Media Studies Department at Concordia University in Montreal. She is a Teaching Assistant in Concordia’s Engineering Department and the author of Through the Looking Glass at Concordia University.

It’s Wednesday, October 25th, 2018 and I’m Douglas Lain the publisher of Zero Books and the host of this podcast.

We’ve started a Zero Books reading group for our patrons. It runs $15 a month on Patreon and this month’s book is Stuart Walton’s Neglected or Misunderstood: Introducing Theodor Adorno. All of our supporters get access to the Symptomatic Redness and Alternatives podcasts, and patrons who donate five dollars a month or higher get access to Inside Zero Books podcast as well, which means they get access to a second podcast every week. Patreon supporters are helping us continue to produce our youtube channel and other online projects like our online Capital reading group which will be revived this month as well.