The following podcast was recorded at the request of a former Zero Books author named Nicolas Hausdorf after I mentioned on my blog that, in light of the positions he'd taken in essays written for a reactionary online journal, that we would no longer be publishing his work.

In 2015 we published Nicolas Hausdorf’s book Superstructural Berlin, a “frivolous” work that plays around with critical theory in order to provide the reader with an impressionistic picture of Berlin’s nightlife, drug culture, and tourism industry. Since the publication of his book with Zero, Nicolas has moved to the right. Given his transformation politically Zero Books won’t be publishing his work again. Because he was offended to discover our intent not to publish him and because he took to twitter to object, I invited him onto the podcast in order to explain the decision to him.

I want to remind listeners that Zero Books produces two podcasts every week, one for free and one for people who support us on Patreon. We also run a youtube channel featuring video essays from myself and the Zero Books team, and we have just started a Zero Books reading group. The next book on our reading list will be Stuart Walton’s Neglected or Misunderstood: Introducing Theodor Adorno, and Patrons who support us at $15 a month receive access to the book and an invitation to an online discussion group.