The voyage of the man who grew to be the MOST iconic Superhero of them all has come to an end.  However this is not the story of Superman, but of Clark Kent and those who loved, hated, and helped shape the legend.  In this episode Greg and Shawn are joined by their good friend […]

The voyage of the man who grew to be the MOST iconic Superhero of them all has come to an end.  However this is not the story of Superman, but of Clark Kent and those who loved, hated, and helped shape the legend.  In this episode Greg and Shawn are joined by their good friend Frances Maxwell in a tribute to the LONGEST running North American Science Fiction Series.  In this episode we discuss everything from our initial love of the show (okay Frances and Shawn loved it), to the Freak of the Week problem, and in the end how we felt about how the CW ended the story of Clark Kent, and where superhero television may go from here.  So sit back and hear a tale about the series that tried to make us believe that a boy from Kansas could fly (well okay sort of).

Series Reviewed: Smallville: The Complete Series


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Total run time: 1:40:59

File Size: 96.9 MB