Previous Episode: 338: All the Batmen

Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness is upon us! And we can finally tell you that Kevin Feige himself approached us to watch the movie in advance, under a strict embargo not to spoil the movie until it’s released.… Continue Reading →

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Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness is upon us! And we can finally tell you that Kevin Feige himself approached us to watch the movie in advance, under a strict embargo not to spoil the movie until it’s released. SO WE’RE BREAKING THAT EMBARGO! But… they made us watch it separately, and… weird, it seems like we each saw a very different movie?? That seems… odd. But it ALSO means THREE TIMES THE VERIFIED DOCTOR STRANGE SPOILERS, dear listeners! And that is a mystery that sells a new listen to a podcast, as we all know! And as an added bonus, learn about all the variant cameos, and what Kevin Feige’s hat choices mean for the future of the MCU!

BUT FIRST! We go through all the news we recently missed: Frank Miller Presents a new publishing company! CW Arrowverse cancellations! Bone PRE-cancelled at Netflix! Ezra Miller’s Hawaiian crime spree continues! And we discuss the work and legacy of the recently departed Neal Adams, a legend who defined the industry forever.

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The post 339: She Was a W.I.L.F. appeared first on Zero Issues Comic Podcast.