| 0:01:50  | HANGING BRIDGES
 | 0:04:15  | CHLORINE BOMB
 | 0:15:59  | Why you're not supposed to cut your grass short
 | 0:17:35  | Movies are impossible nowadays
 | 0:19:34  | Dj bails on a Wedding
 | 0:23:26  | Sloth Park and Costa Rica Talk
 | 0:31:49  | Israel
 | 0:35:57  | Jack Carr Terminal List
 | 0:37:18  | Ray Porter brings all the boys to the yard
 | 0:39:31  | Having a bad talking voice
 | 0:40:19  | We could hang with anybody.... almost
 | 0:41:02  | Roe V Wade
 | 0:44:55  | We're Talking About Malpractice
 | 0:47:18  | Take care of your teeth! and heart!
 | 0:49:47  | Gut Bacteria will make you do wild things
 | 0:50:30  | clip of praying mantis parasite
 | 0:50:50  | DUDES GOTTA POOP
 | 0:52:58  | ALEX SMITHS KID
 | 0:55:46  | Pescatarian Month
 | 0:57:18  | Traveling with kids
 | 0:58:13  | Sunny throws up on plane
 | 1:01:00  | Down with the Car Sickness
 | 1:05:57  | Jakes a Terrible Co Pilot
 | 1:07:21  | Jake Gets Altitude Sickness
 | 1:12:40  | Heathers Terrible Wedding Story
 | 1:14:31  | Felix Riding First Class
 | 1:32:10  | Grocery Whores
 | 1:34:10  | Farm Animals at Home
 | 1:36:46  | This Place is a Petting Zoo

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