Mike Pierce, or “Antarctic Mike”, is a professional speaker, author, and endurance athlete. He speaks across the US and Canada to executive teams, organizations, and sales teams on how to lead people in a way that makes them fully engaged in their work.

In 2006, Mike became one of 9 people to run the first-ever Antarctic Ice Marathon, and one year later the first American to complete the Antarctic 100k: a 62 mile run on an ice-shelf 600 miles from the South Pole.

In this episode, Mike shares how his love of polar expedition history and endurance sports led to the creation of his flagship program, Leading at 90 Below Zero, which connects the principles of the Antarctic expedition to the real world of finding, engaging, and keeping great people in today’s business world. How does he do it? He makes Zero Excuses.

After You Listen:

Connect with Mike: https://www.linkedin.com/in/antarcticmike/ Learn more about “Antarctic Mike”: https://antarcticmike.com/ Connect with Nick: https://www.linkedin.com/in/smarrelli/ Learn more about GadellNet Consulting Services: https://gadellnet.com/