Derrin Slack is the founder of ProAct a nonprofit organization based out of Indianapolis with a focus on empowering today’s youth through service. As the leader, Derrin is vulnerable and transparent about the challenges he faced in his darkest moments and how those moments have led him to where he is today. 

This year has been difficult, to say the least, from COVID-19 to civil unrest. In our conversation, he provides insights you can embrace to take action in supporting the Black community. It is our goal that you leave this episode feeling inspired and equipped with the right mentality for making change. As you’ll hear, Derrin lives this out in all aspects of his life. 

How does he do it? He makes Zero Excuses. And by embracing vulnerability coupled with action,  you can too.  

Derrin’s Recommended Reads: 

White Fragility by Robert DiAngelo Democracy in Black: How Race Still Enslaves the American Soul

Additional Links: 

Connect with Derrin: Learn more about ProAct: Connect with Nick: Learn more about GadellNet Consulting Services: