One of the largest real estate companies in Indianapolis is Century 21 Scheetz. And it’s run by CEO and Co-owner, Tracy Hutton. Tracy is the mother of two grown children, an influential leader fighting for the homeless community, and a fierce advocate for young girls.

Growing up she didn’t have a role model for what it looked like to be a mother with a career. Yet, through a strong support network, the partnership of her business mentor, Mick Scheetz, and a refusal to take ‘no’ for an answer, Tracy has helped grow Century 21 Scheetz to its leading status today. 

How does she do it? She makes Zero Excuses. And by knowing your values and how to say yes to the right things, you can too.

Connect with Tracy: Learn more about CENTURY 21 Scheetz: Connect with Nick: Learn more about GadellNet Consulting Services: