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ROUND 1: In response to a threat to the troops, the Army has developed an incredible piece of combat gear coming out in 2021. The speed in design, manufacturing & logistics of distributing this complex item will give you a whole new respect for the branch… DIS-respect.

ROUND 2: If you’ve been disqualified from joining the military it’s ok to feel upset. What’s not ok? To uh - go back to the recruiting station & fire a weapon through the windows. Not gonna help your cause, pal.

ROUND 3: The Australian Army is investigating a soldiers' use of a Taliban fighter's prosthetic leg… And yes, you guessed it. He used it as a beer mug.

ROUND 4: The US Military had a hot date with China’s this week but we were left alone at the table with a fine bottle of white wine & red cheeks… since they were a no show. China, call us back. Please!

ROUND 5: Cons sat down with two ladies who went from the swimming pool to the Shark Tank with some Army in between. They told him why they started a jewelry line instead of a more traditional route

ROUND 6: Ugh, more Hollywood Marines? And what? They’re going to have VAGINAS this time?! Noooooooo!.