5 Rounds In The Magazine:

ROUND 1: If the National Guard tries to make eye contact with you avoid them at all costs… they are going big time BROKE & will probably try to ask you to borrow a $20

ROUND 2: Breaking Bad, but make those tighty whities camo instead… we’ve got an Air Force Walter White who got caught selling an AK47 and meth…. Not great!

ROUND 3: The story of ‘The 10,000 meter thriller’ and no we’re not talking about Buzz Aldrin’s penis. It’s the story of a young Devil Dog who became an unlikely champion in the ‘64 Olympics!

ROUND 4: Interpreters are in the news big time. Kate got to speak to two sides of those COIN operations. One from a local commander who served with Interpreters and from a congressman who is trying to right this wrong.

(37:37:21) - Rep. Mike Waltz
(50:31:12) - Former Army Captain Sayre Payne

ROUND 5: (01:18:59:23) We speak with founder of Team RWB, LTC Mike Erwin, about how his former soldiers not allowing him to get soft sparked a movement in the veteran community.

SAVED ROUNDS to close out the show!

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