Round 1: Update the safety brief. DO NOT CLIMB INSIDE DINOSAUR STATUES Spain: Missing man's body found 'inside dinosaur statue,' police calls it accidental death (

Round 2: Belarus is losing their fucking minds. They stopped a dude for having a bomb on his plane but it turns out he didnt actually have a bomb on his plane. Belarus accused of 'hijacking' plane, provoking outrage in the West (

Round 3: Lawmakers are shocked at the condition of the barracks across the military. Uhhh… Have you guys never seen forever? When were the conditions good?

Round 4: The Army turned off comments on their new recruiting video… yeah… the one that the Junior Senator from Texas is talking/crying about

Round 5: I sat down with Sebastian Junger about his new book and he told me about the time he nearly died. Very unexpected but I handled it with great aplomb.

Round 6: Wake up, bitch. You’ve got Firewatch!