How did Disney's "Treasure Planet" become an overlooked masterpiece despite its groundbreaking animation and compelling story? Join us as we dive into the enchanting world of "Treasure Planet" with special guests Leia, her brother DewnTagz, Tinara and later, Kokugatsu. We'll explore the film's unique blend of 2D and 3D animation, its memorable characters, and the adventurous spirit that makes its music so captivating. We'll break down Jim Hawkins' journey from a rebellious youth to a heroic young man, and compare his relationship with John Silver to other iconic duos like Peter Quill and Yondu from the MCU. You'll gain fresh insights into the nuanced character development of John Silver and the chilling menace of Scroop, reaffirming why "Treasure Planet" deserves more love.

Ever wondered why "Treasure Planet" didn't get the recognition it deserved? We'll reveal the hidden industry secrets and internal politics at Disney that set the film up for failure. We'll discuss how Disney's shift toward 3D animation and lack of promotion for "Treasure Planet" impacted its reception. Plus, we'll share fascinating anecdotes about the unexpected success of "Shrek," a project initially meant as a punishment for animators. Our conversation will illuminate the broader challenges within the animation industry and the complexities behind some of your favorite films.

Finally, we'll speculate on exciting future projects, from a potential new Goofy movie to hopes of seeing "Treasure Planet" featured in Kingdom Hearts 4. We'll dive into the film’s rich world-building and character design, and even dream up casting choices for a live-action adaptation. Whether it's discussing the intricate technology of Treasure Planet or the whimsical antics of characters like Morph and Ben, this episode is packed with humor, nostalgia, and a deep appreciation for an animated gem that deserves to be rediscovered. Tune in for a spirited discussion that celebrates the magic of "Treasure Planet" and iconic Disney storytelling.

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