For the one who has believed in Jesus for the free gift of eternal life, Jesus doesn’t want a rash, shallow or superficial commitment.  Jesus wants a serious and well-considered commitment. Jesus doesn’t want a reluctant commitment, that says, “Not now or later, Lord.” Jesus wants an unhesitating top-priority commitment. Jesus doesn’t want a regretful commitment.  Jesus wants a whole-hearted and undivided commitment.

Questions and Answers at:

30:27 About the second person who was reluctant in following Jesus, given that there are Scriptures to take care of one’s family, do you see a problem with thinking that in your commitment to the Lord that you will take care of your family?

31:55 Can you distinguish between the kingdom of God and the church?

32:52 Can you be a part of the kingdom of God without being part of the church?

33:27 Can you distinguish between salvation and discipleship?  Are there those who are not disciples, but are saved?

35:58 What did it mean that the disciples doubted and what are the implications of that for Christians?

Other passages mentioned: Judges 7; Matthew 10:37; Colossians 1:13; Revelation 22:17; Matthew 28:19-20; Matthew 11:2-3; John 1:32-34; Luke 24:41; Numbers 21:4-9.