When you and I are treated unfairly and unjustly, usually silence is not our strong point on occasions like that. However, the Lord Jesus Christ did not respond with even a single harsh word when being reviled and treated unjustly. When you confront injustice, unfairness and cruelty, the very wisest thing you can do is to commit your case to God, who is the righteous Judge. When you confront the cruelty and injustice of men in obedience to God, it may leave scars. Some of them may be physical and others may be emotional, but those scars can be a badge of honor. They can be a mark of your obedience to God and your faithfulness to Him, and in due time He will vindicate you. When you have been done wrong, be sure that you do right and leave the outcome to God, just as our Lord Jesus Christ Himself did.

Other passages: Acts 2:33-35; John 3:16.