Have you ever felt that you cannot relate to the amazing stories in the Bible, because you are just an average person? The story of Shamgar illustrates for us that God has the capacity to reach into the most obscure places and touch the most unknown and insignificant people and pull them out and use them for His glory.  You don’t need to be somebody to become somebody for God.  If you have the capacity to trust God, God knows where you are, and God can pull you out of your obscurity and use you to accomplish victories for Him.  All believers have a weapon to fight the battles of life, which is the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.  In order to be triumphant when you are hard pressed on every side, you need to know how to use God’s word and apply it to your life and situation.  When we win our own personal victories, those victories can be used for the benefit and deliverance of other people. Zane also relates his brush with danger in his encounter with a youth gang. Other passages mentioned include: 2 Corinthians 4:8-9; Hebrews 4:12; Ephesians 5:25.