Jehu fulfills the word of God, because he destroys the house of Ahab. However, Jehu goes too far in acting deceptively in destroying Baal from Israel. You cannot serve the God of truth by telling lies. Later, Jehu does not go far enough by allowing the golden calves to remain. If we have the nerve to add to the word of God, rules that God has not spoken, then we are dummies, but if we fail to move on matters that God’s word has told us to move on, then that is even dumber. It doesn’t matter how dramatically you live the Christian life. It doesn’t matter how successful you appear to be in the Christian life. It doesn’t matter how many people you impress with the way you live the Christian life. The only thing that matters is whether you are doing what God has told you to do and that alone. 

Other passages include: 2 Kings 9; 2 Kings 10:1-16; 1 Kings 18:16-46; Proverbs 30:5-6; 1 Kings 12:26-29