In this passage, we are introduced to three famous persons in the Old Testament, Elijah, Jezebel and Ahab. When God tolerates evil and delays His judgment against evil, God is using evil to demonstrate His power and to magnify His name. God may tolerate evil for a time, but He will not tolerate evil indefinitely. Even in Israel’s dark days, God’s prophetic word is coming true.  We need to base our religion on the Bible and not on the superstition of men. The only religion that God approves is the religion that is revealed in the Scriptures. When we go beyond the Scriptures with our religious practices, we are treading in the territory of superstition, falsehood and deceit.  Other passages mentioned: Luke 1:17; Revelation 11:6; Job 20:5; Proverbs 28:2; Psalm 73; Exodus 9:16; Joshua 6:26; 2 Timothy 3:16-17.