Dr. Robert Schoch, PhD  is an associate professor of Natural Sciences at the College of General Studies, Boston University. Since 1991, Schoch has been a proponent of the Sphinx water erosion hypothesis, with tons of evidence Dr. Schoch has provided to the Scientific establishment, Montana Mendy & Justin Purser ask Dr. Schoch, with all the evidence you've provided, why has the scientific community still called your erosion theory pseudoscience, when in reality it seems like you’ve made a great discovery. 

In the first episode of this three part mini series Montana Mendy and Justin Purser ask things like what does it take for the scientific community, after all the evidence Dr. Robert Schoch has provided, to accept it as a scientific discovery?

Dr. Robert Schoch's latest book: https://www.amazon.com/Origins-Sphinx-Celestial-Pre-Pharaonic-Civilization/dp/1620555255

If you're interested or whatever: www.yungflamingo.club