Menù del giorno (a base di zucca):


- 3 cose di paura scelte da FRANCESCO DIMITRI 3' 01''

- 3 cose di paura scelte da PAOLA BARBATO 18' 45''

- 3 cose di paura scelte da PAOLO STRIPPOLI 42' 46''

- 3 canzoni di paura scelte da LUCA MOMBLANO (+ 3 scelte da Claudio Garioni) 1h 08' 38''

- 5 film (+2) ambientati nella notte di Halloween scelti da STANLIO KUBRICK 1h 19' 08''

- Lista dell'attesa n°45 (Love & Death, Disappointment Blvd, Bussano alla porta) 1h 41' 49''

ATTENZIONE: contiene Dylan Dog, streghe, morte, violenza, circo, Stephen King, Lindsay Lohan, Halloween, lenzuoli, Emmanuel Carrere, Pink Floyd, Stephen King, un poema, Cappuccetto Rosso, Paul Tremblay, luoghi spaventosi da visitare, Dario Argento, Ray Bradbury, Michael Haneke, Nick Cave e Stephen King.


- Tutti gli universi di Yugen

- Un elenco dei ponti del Diavolo in Italia 

- Il thread su Twitter citato tra le canzoni

- The Little Green Orchard (by Walter De La Mare)

Some one is always sitting there,

In the little green orchard;

Even when the sun is high

In noon's unclouded sky,

And faintly droning goes

The bee from rose to rose,

Some one in shadow is sitting there,

In the little green orchard.

Yes, and when twilight is falling softly

In the little green orchard;

When the grey dew distils

And every flower-cup fills;

When the last blackbird says,

"What - what!" and goes her way - s-sh!

I have heard voices calling softly

In the little green orchard.

Not that I am afraid of being there,

In the little green orchard;

Why, when the moon's been bright,

Shedding her lonesome light,

And moths like ghosties come,

And the horned snail leaves home:

I've sat there, whispering and listening there,

In the little green orchard.

Only it's strange to be feeling there,

In the little green orchard;

Whether you paint or draw,

Dig, hammer, chop, or saw;

When you are most alone,

All but the silence gone ...

Some one is waiting and watching there,

In the little green orchard.

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