It is scarcely possible just a year ago, to imagine  being in the world we find ourselves living in today.  But alas, here we are, looking both at  the past and to the future, and one thing is for sure, It is shocking.  

Many have faced loosing friends and family to a novel virus which swept its way around the globe in what seemed like minutes.  (our heartfelt condolences for each of you dealing with this part of 2020)

Economic damage, lockdowns, and constant uncertainty are our daily companions, forcing nearly everyone alive to face radical changes in every aspect of daily life!

John McFarland explores how this type of change,  and managing it, is akin to the classical process of grieving.  He offers insights and wisdom and some helpful tools for dealing with it, no matter where one finds him or herself on the curve.

Join in and give yourself a break.  Both literally and figuratively.

Loyal listeners take note:  We are embarking on some new techniques and technologies which will make the show much more pleasant to listen to, with dramatic improvements in fidelity.  Content too, is looking better as we have made some strides in booking headlining guests to the studio.  We appreciate you patience as we too, navigate the changing work world around us.

We would love your feedback, so please feel free to leave us a note and give us your thoughts. E-mail us your suggestions, ideas, comments and critiques at [email protected]