We open today's show with Eric Clapton's song Layla.  We jump right in thanking Hadley Belle Miller for being on the show last week and play a few samples from her album Wildflower. We also announce the 30th Anniversary and Get Together for The New Monkees. Steve let us know that his driving for Uber is feeling like a real job even though he's retired. Vee tell us about her new apartment and that she got a role for a horror film. Sean gives a birthday shout out to fellow BJ Show Bud Dawn Cooper. Then Intern Michelle talks to us about her two big surprises Getting married and meeting Johnny Depp. The gang then talks about the boy who mowed the White House Lawn, Foods that make you attractive and having fun with Play Doh!  Then Sean interviews his friend singer/bassist Chip Z'nuff from the band Enuff Z'nuff. Then we all play the game. 












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