In 2015, I got a strange last minute call to photograph a meeting between the President of China Xi Xinping and the CEO of Microsoft Satya Nadella. Ā 
Jet, lagged, exhausted and walking off the plane speaking with the U.S. Secret Service and the Chinese Equivalent, I began to wonder whether I was the unwitting accomplice to some sort of international espionagešŸ˜³.
Why would they hire a campaign photographer at full day rate to take a picture of a hand shake between 2 VIPs?
Why would they call me only 12 hours before the shoot if it was so important?
And why must I not accept a USB from the Chinese delegation and only hand them the one coming from the American team?
Was I being hired for the hand-off for corporate espionage?
Was I there to be front and center for something terrible about to happen to the President of China?
...or was I a photographer that has seen too many spy movies?

All these questions answered, plus take aways on how to live in the moment and be a better artist on Episode 1 Season 2!