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Today's topic is 11 signs that the connection you are experiencing is a karmic twin. Now if you aren't familiar with this term karmic twin, please check out my video that goes through what the differences between a twin soul, a soulmate, soul family, and a karmic twin are.

The first sign you're dealing with a karmic twin is that they parrot your desires back to you, as if the desires match their own. This one's pretty important. What's going on here is that they're actually trying to mirror you in an attempt to get you to like them more. Normally, if you are trying to feel out of a relationship. You want to know if you guys are compatible on every different level. If someone's parroting back your desires to you, as opposed to sharing their own desires, they're basically trying to avoid that conflict, which is a form of manipulation. They don't want you to know that they have different core values than you or different future dreams than you. All of these things would typically be red flags for you, especially if you are specifically looking for your twin soul. Also, these are common traits of somebody who has a narcissistic or sociopathic personality.

The second sign is that the person only looks good on the surface or on paper. When I was young, I played this game called M.A.S.H. It was just a game that you could play on paper and the goal of the game was to find out who you're going to marry, whether you were going to live in a mansion or an apartment, and so on. So M.A.S.H. stands for mansion, apartment, shack or house. It will also tell you what your profession was going to be. If this person is looking really good on paper, and they're hitting all those points that you want—perhaps it's a bit like if they were hitting points on a resume or on a profile that would match up to things that you were excited about. Something can look really good on paper and in reality, it's not a match. If you're finding that this person is exactly what you want and checking all the boxes, but the energy is not there, you may be experiencing a karmic twin.

The third sign is that they consistently lied to you about who they are. This one is interesting. It's very similar to the first one. Again, it's basically showing that they are trying to manipulate you or to gain your attraction, rather than to be honest and authentic about who they are and then let the chips fall where they may. This is definitely somebody who wants to be with you as opposed to wanting God or wanting their own twin soul. Your twin soul is never going to try to manipulate, or manipulate you, or lie to you in order to gain your love and trust.

The fourth sign is that they are comfortable with facades in front of your friends and family. People say that they don't want to air their dirty laundry in front of everyone. However, if somebody is acting like a different person behind the scenes with you than they are in front of your family and friends, this is a red flag. What's happening here is that the person wants to cross your boundaries when they're with you alone, but they also want to keep your family and friends on their side and put on a facade or make the best impression they can on your friends and family. This is going to be useful to them in the future because then they're able to gaslight you. They're able to say whatever they want behind the scenes, or even do whatever they want. And when you try to confide in somebody about what's happening, they can then say, oh, but this person is so great. This person has only ever been nice to me when I've seen them. Your twin soul never tries to put on a show for friends and family in order to gain them as allies against you in the future. In fact, with a twin soul, what you're more likely to see is that friends and family have mixed feelings about them.