How much should you charge for your products? Should you raise your hourly rate? What’s a good price for an online course?

In this episode of Your Sparkly Brand, we’re answering these pricing questions and more. Talking about money and pricing can feel awkward A.F. But it doesn’t have to! Understanding how your prices indicate value to your clients and customers is the first step to charging what you’re worth. 



0:40 Meg’s sparkly moment of the week.

2:35 Lauren’s sparkly moment of the week.

4:00 It’s ok if talking about money and pricing makes you uncomfortable!

5:05 Only YOU can set your prices.

6:00 Price reflects value to your customers.

7:25 Women tend to undercharge.

8:15 Your prices aren’t set in stone.

8:50 Pricing for service providers.

9:20 Avoid charging for your time, instead create packages.

12:00 Pricing digital products and courses.

13:45 How to set prices for physical products.

15:00 Now go raise your prices!


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Is there a topic you’d like us to cover in an upcoming episode? Are you a business owner who wants to join us on the podcast to share your story? Send us an email at [email protected] to get in touch. 

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