You’ve got questions about mindset related issues that come up in the entrepreneurial journey, such as dealing with imposter syndrome and getting past social media trolls — and we’ve got answers!

Welcome to another Q & A episode of Your Sparkly Brand. We are excited to give answers to these listeners' questions. If you’ve got a question you want to be answered on our next Q&A episode, send either of us a DM on social or email [email protected]

Key points in this episode…

Meg experiences an a-ha moment in one of her mastermind sessions about products and services pricing.
Lauren makes a huge investment in her business.
Today, we’re having a Q and A episode and we’re talking about mindset related issues.
How to get past trolls in social media comment sections and show up regardless.
Your confidence in your product or service is the ultimate and it comes with consistency in showing up.
Check out Episode 12 on Handling Haters for more actionable tips.
How to overcome imposter syndrome.
Episode 9 - Overcoming Imposter Syndrome.
How to achieve a work-life balance.
Done is better than perfect.
Track your daily progress.
Prioritize the needle-moving activities in your business.
Episode 8 - Time Flow & Creativity w/Ros Croad.
How to work through a feeling that others don’t believe in you, your strengths or talents.
Build confidence through repetitive positive reinforcement.
Being successful without showing your face on social media is twice as hard.
Practice recording videos of yourself.
How to talk about your offers online without coming off as too salesy.
Connect with what you do and believe in it.
Episode 11 - Selling Without Feeling Sleazy.
How to take the leap into entrepreneurship.
Building a brand takes time, energy and consistency.
You don’t have to have everything figured out at the start.


Episode 12 of Your Sparkly Brand Podcast - Handling Haters:

Episode 9 - Overcoming Imposter Syndrome:

Episode 8 - Time Flow & Creativity w/Ros Croad:

Episode 11 - Selling Without Feeling Sleazy:

Did you enjoy this episode? If so, please leave us a 5-star rating! Ratings and reviews will help this podcast grow so we can make the world a little more Sparkly!


Is there a topic you’d like us to cover in an upcoming episode? Are you a business owner who wants to join us on the podcast to share your story? Send us an email at [email protected] to get in touch.

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Connect with Megan at, on TikTok, and Instagram