Attention spans are getting shorter and shorter these days. That’s why it’s so crucial to hook your prospects immediately. One way to do that? A-mahzing copy.  Copy that easily captures (and keeps!) the interest of your audience, boosts engagement, drives sales and leaves a lasting impression. But it’s time to face facts, Jack. Not everyone can write copy that slays. That’s why if you’re serious about upleveling your biz, it’s time to hire a pro copywriter… But how do you find the right copywriter? And what’s it like to work with a copywriter? Don't worry, we've got you covered! 

In this episode, we'll be sharing all the insider tips and tricks on how to find the perfect copywriter who will turn your copy from drab to fab, and take your brand message to the next level. So get ready to say goodbye to boring copy and hello to copy that converts.

Key points in this episode…

Lauren ruminates and works on the concept of making things better, based on her experience from visiting Japan.

Meg gets on a fun podcast as a guest where she talks about Radiohead and relates it to her business.

Leave us a review.

Lauren’s version of what it’s like to work with a copywriter.

What does a copywriter do? A copywriter writes words that get readers to take actions, drive sales and boost engagements.

Copywriting differs from content writing, which is generally used to inform.

Get-to-know-each-other call.

Put together a plan of attack, that is, a proposal.

Follow-up call or questions.

Sign the contract and pay the invoice.

You’re in!

Send a brand questionnaire to the client to fill out.

Deep dive strategy call.

Set delivery timeline.

Get into research.

Writing, starting with an outline that implements the brand qualities.

First draft delivery and edits.

Final draft delivery.

Review once the copy is live.

Continue to work together as needed.

Standard number of revisions that Lauren does.

How much does a copywriter cost?

Common misconceptions clients have before working with Lauren.

Where to find good copywriters and qualities to look out for in them.

Importance of hiring a copywriter that has a similar style with your brand.

How to know that the copywriter you hire will understand your brand and the message you want to convey.


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Is there a topic you’d like us to cover in an upcoming episode? Are you a business owner who wants to join us on the podcast to share your story? Send us an email at [email protected] to get in touch. 

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Connect with Megan at, on TikTok, and Instagram