Hey biz owners! On today’s episode of Your Sparkly Brand, we’re talking all about signature offers. You’ll discover what a signature offer is and get a step-by-step process for creating a signature offer targeted at delivering amazing results to your clients. We’re also explaining the things you need to know about setting prices for your offers and showing up consistently.

Key points in this episode…

Meg has a return client for a branding project.
Lauren challenges herself this week to show up for all the coaching courses and programs she’s currently enrolled in.
Signature offer is your unique method, process, or way of working with clients to deliver amazing results.
It works for service based businesses.
Why you need a signature offer.
Steps to creating a signature offer.
Determine your unique selling point (USP).
Know your customer.
Know your process.
Name your signature offer.
Your signature offer includes the whole package that makes it irresistible.
Remove the risks for the buyer.
Money-back guarantee might be considered.
Include revisions.
Determine your pricing.
Put out your offer.
Don’t give up.


The Psychology of Pricing Your Products & Services (Episode 33 of Your Sparkly Brand): https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/nXyak3lEexb

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Find Lauren at laurentassiagency.com or on Instagram

Connect with Megan at megangersch.com, on TikTok, and Instagram