Your business’s homepage is your castle on the internet. If you want to capture more leads and/or boost sales you must have these 8 elements on your website. 

Listen along as we give our top tips for optimizing your website’s homepage.



0:35 Meg’s Sparkly moment of the week.

1:45 Lauren’s Sparkly moment of the week.

2:30 Your website’s homepage is one of the most important parts of your business’s presence on the web.

4:10 What you need “above the fold” (at the very top) on your homepage.

4:45 Keep your navigation simple.

5:45 Pop-ups done right. 

8:25 Guide your customer along your homepage.

10:25 How to use headings and sub-heads.

11:50 Always use consistent branding elements.

12:25 Use social proof to build trust.

13:45 What you need in your homepage footer.



Blog Post: How To Make A Homepage That Converts 

Free Website Checklist


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Are you a female entrepreneur slaying the marketing and branding game? If so, we’d love to have you on the show! Reach out to us at [email protected] to get in touch. 

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