Elyse shares how following her chart success in the 90's, she then left the music scene due to self-doubt, as she no longer believed she could sing.

She shares her story of how she found herself again, and re-connected to her passion and purpose.

Elyse joined her first band with a group of friends at the age of 14. They were called Low Profile and had eight members. Elyse began by playing keyboards and backing vocals, but eventually moved onto Lead Vocals and Songwriting as it came so easy and natural to her. 

Elyse says; ‘I used to write lyrics about ‘lost love’, ‘looking for love’ etc….I would write about how I was waiting for someone to come and rescue me, love me. Nowadays I am at the other end of this spectrum and I write about ‘self love’, love energy’, ‘gratitude’ and more, all positive uplifting encouraging words.’

Following her success with MAXX in the mid 1990’s, Elyse went through a period of self doubt and couldn’t sing herself for many years. During this time she undertook lots of personal development which included Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Emotional Freedom Technique, energy work, nutrition, fork-tuning therapy, vocal techniques, etc. She recalls:’ I became a workshop junkie, desperately trying to figure out how to fix things, but I also began to shape the link between sound, energy and vibration which would lead to a more holistic approach to my future music.’

Around 2009, Elyse was working as a freelance vocal tutor, she remembers that one of her jobs was to run a music workshop with mental health patients. ‘I noticed that they loved to sing happy songs: it would lift them high and they would dance, smile and radiate an inner glow. These were special moments and it showed me that uplifting music can heal. However, although I sang along with the group, when it came to singing alone, I just couldn’t!’

Elyse says that at this time she began to feel exhausted with life. She was affected negatively by other people’s misery, their illnesses, with paying the mortgage, other bills and just existing. Inside, she had this deep yearning to live a life of rich abundance, health, vitality and happiness. She wondered if she would ever sing again. She missed it deeply and felt like a huge part of her was missing. 

In the summer of 2012 Elyse made a major life decision and sold her house, car and other material possessions, giving some away to charity and friends. She’d heard the saying "If it’s not working, change it." and decided to do just that. She explains, ‘I thought, if I want to have a chance to sing again, I will have to change my life.’

Elyse travelled to Nepal, where she became a voluntary music teacher, in a school located high up in the Kathmandu Valley. She lived with a family of nine, which was hard going, as she and her husband both have no siblings so were not used to such large families. One evening, three of the nine children of the house put on a Nepalese dance show, and the whole family sang and danced together. 

Elyse shares that she was deeply moved, and cried. ‘The Nepalese family asked for our contribution. I remember my husband pointed to me and said, to my utter horror, "She’s the singer in the family." I was put on the spot, but I recalled how, in the 90s, I had sung to thousands of people, and so I reasoned what would it matter if I performed to this small family up here in the valley? I sang the three new songs I had written, and they loved it. The host commented that he did not understand many of the English words I sang, but my tone and emotion were beautiful! 

The next day in school, the children asked: "Excuse me Miss, was that you singing in the valley last night?" Unbeknown to me, the whole of the valley had heard my voice and my words. I knew then that I had to continue, to spread my message of love, hope and peace through music. I had broken through my fear. My mind became open to new possibilities. It was then that I knew I would sing again!’

In January 2013, after a 16 year break from fame, Elyse stepped back into the studio to record her first solo album, The Love Energy. The album consists of nine songs with very positive lyrics. Each song has been carefully tuned to centre on each of the nine principal ancient Solfeggio healing tones. The healing frequency runs subliminally right through each song, creating an overall balance and euphoric state for the listener. 

Elyse says: ‘ I just remembered who I was, and why I was here. I remembered my mission, my purpose. This is how I found my self-belief to pursue my music career. It was there all along, underneath, waiting for me. I just needed to believe in me again, and I am so grateful I did.’

Biggest Learning:

That we are resilient, and that we are strong.
That we need to tap into our own inner power and not listen to external influences.

Support yourself with awesome, rocking people.
We need to tap into play, fun and loving energy.


Favourite Quote:

“What if everything you said and thought came true?” – Anon


Theme Song:

The Love Energy - Elyse G Rogers 

SuperSHEro Name:

The Love Energy


About Elyse:

Elyse Rogers is a vocalist with energy, a songwriter with inspiration and a versatility from experience. She explains where she has come from, where she is going and what it means for you.

“I have been a singer and songwriter from age 14. My early period was typical – working hard, understanding my strengths, learning what my fans wanted. That brought success – topping the charts with the German band MAXX, appearing on ‘Top of the Pops’ and touring the country. As I developed, my intuition told me I could do more with my music. So I started exploring.”

2012 was a defining moment for Elyse – the discovery of frequencies from our past.

” I heard about a 528 hertz frequency that gave amazing results. But I didn’t realise it was one of a family of six, until a fellow musician introduced me to the others….the Solfeggio Frequencies, hidden for centuries but now re-discovered. I listened and felt how they gave music and songs a greater substance and depth, almost a healing power. I can’t explain why, I just know it works. And I wanted it to work for all my fans, past, present and future. “


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Interview Links And Resources:

Elyse's Website 

Learn more about the healing frequencies

The Love Energy Album



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