As a podcast, there are a few strategies to grow your audience. One is to be interviewed on another podcast. Why is this strategy so popular? Because you are in front of an audience that already knows how to listen to podcasts. With this in mind, here are some strategies. You will see where these all require a little bit of work. 

1. Go to events. Some of my best guests started with a conversation at an event

2. Look for your "competition" and contact them to brainstorm and do a show together or trade interviews.

3. Do your homework. Do they do interviews?

4. Do your homework. Are you a good fit? 

5. Do your homework and listen to a show and interact with the host. Most podcasts are asking for feedback, give it to them

6. The podcast host cares about their audience, not our background. How will you bring VALUE to their audience? 

7. Use a free service like 

8. Use a free service like Help a Reporter

9. Journo Requests is similar to Help a Reporter except they use Twitter Sign up or see samples.

Above all else, always deliver value. If you are on a podcast, be the world best guest and promote your appearance so the guest has a good taste in their mouth if someone talks about you. 

Mentioned in this Episode

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