How can it be, that one of the best pieces of guidance I've ever heard about creating podcasts is, "STOP CREATING CONTENT"?

Because when you look at your podcast, or vlog, or blog as "documenting" (versus creating), a whole new perspective comes in.

In this first episode of season 7 of Your Podcast Coach, I share the beginning of a journey.

A journey, for at least the next 8 weeks, will feature entrepreneurs just like you, sharing their struggles and triumphs with their podcast.

To give credit where it's due, this episode is inspired by two quotes, both featuring in Russell Brunson's book, Expert Secrets.

These two quotes, from Russell and Gary Vee, speak to the importance of creating a lot of content and putting yourself out there.

This episode begins this season's journey, but it also marks a shift in how I create. I know the next 8 Monday's will feature coaching calls, but I don't know what's coming after that. 

I just know, I will be here to document and hit "publish"!

Thank you for joining me in this journey!

Links I Mention:

Russell Brunson's Expert Secrets

The Podcast Roadmap

Your Podcast Coach Website
