When it comes to personal branding, one of the first questions surrounding the content created is “How much am I willing to share?”

The idea of becoming visible is paralyzing for many. Lisa digs into the reasons why so many of us have a natural tendency to run from visibility.

In this episode you’ll learn: 

> How the comparison trap can lead to feeling insignificant and obscure

> The reasons why we are hesitant to share who we really are

> How the need to belong to a group controls how much we share

> Why the change in a job title can lead to identity confusion

> The impact of imposter syndrome on visibility and what can be done about it. 

Lisa McGuire is a certified personal brand strategist and purpose coach. She helps consultants and professional service providers integrate their purpose into a compelling message and a magnetic personal brand with an 8-week group or 1:1 program of her signature framework "The Difference Is You" 

Lisa's free resource: "The Essential Guide to Start Telling Your Story

Connect with Lisa:



