Parenting Beyond Power is officially available today! Come join a mini-celebration with me in this podcast episode, and TODAY on Zoom at 11am Pacific/2pm Eastern/8pm Central Europe, and in-person this weekend if you're in the Bay Area!


Do you celebrate your achievements? I don't know about you, but I find it pretty difficult.


I didn't celebrate getting into Berkeley or Yale, or graduating from either of those places either (in fact, I think I was in the car driving away from each of those places when the graduation ceremonies happened).


I didn't celebrate getting U.S. citizenship, or have a baby shower, and Alvin and Carys buy or make me a birthday cake every year because they want to, but I don't really celebrate that either.


I didn't celebrate signing a book deal two years ago, and when we rolled over 3 million downloads recently I asked someone on my team to make a quick social post...and that was it.


So celebrating the book's launch feels...weird to me. But apparently people who write books do it, so I'm giving it a try - Jen style.


I invited a listener, María José (MJ) Durán, to ask me whatever questions she had about the book and the writing process for a mini-celebration.


(I did slip in a couple of questions for her as well, and I have to say that her response to me asking what she got out of the book was really meaningful for me - she now understands her own Mom in a way she hadn't been able to until now, which has brought María José (MJ) Durán some measure of relief.)


Come join one of our mini-celebrations! Listen to the podcast episode today!




Jump to Highlights

00:43   Introduction to today’s episode

04:13   What sets Parenting Beyond Power apart for long-time podcast listeners and Parenting Membership members

05:01   What Jen wants to accomplish in writing Parenting Beyond Power

08:56  How the needs cupcake came about

11:38    How Jen came up with the book’s title

14:26  María José (MJ) Durán shares a positive change in setting boundaries with her daughter and questions why the same advice, given a year apart, yielded such different results

21:58   How the book addresses common parenting challenges

35:18   Jen’s perspective on neurodiversity in the context of the book's...

Parenting Beyond Power is officially available today! Come join a mini-celebration with me in this podcast episode, and TODAY on Zoom at 11am Pacific/2pm Eastern/8pm Central Europe, and in-person this weekend if you're in the Bay Area!


Do you celebrate your achievements? I don't know about you, but I find it pretty difficult.


I didn't celebrate getting into Berkeley or Yale, or graduating from either of those places either (in fact, I think I was in the car driving away from each of those places when the graduation ceremonies happened).


I didn't celebrate getting U.S. citizenship, or have a baby shower, and Alvin and Carys buy or make me a birthday cake every year because they want to, but I don't really celebrate that either.


I didn't celebrate signing a book deal two years ago, and when we rolled over 3 million downloads recently I asked someone on my team to make a quick social post...and that was it.


So celebrating the book's launch feels...weird to me. But apparently people who write books do it, so I'm giving it a try - Jen style.


I invited a listener, María José (MJ) Durán, to ask me whatever questions she had about the book and the writing process for a mini-celebration.


(I did slip in a couple of questions for her as well, and I have to say that her response to me asking what she got out of the book was really meaningful for me - she now understands her own Mom in a way she hadn't been able to until now, which has brought María José (MJ) Durán some measure of relief.)


Come join one of our mini-celebrations! Listen to the podcast episode today!




Jump to Highlights

00:43   Introduction to today’s episode

04:13   What sets Parenting Beyond Power apart for long-time podcast listeners and Parenting Membership members

05:01   What Jen wants to accomplish in writing Parenting Beyond Power

08:56  How the needs cupcake came about

11:38    How Jen came up with the book’s title

14:26  María José (MJ) Durán shares a positive change in setting boundaries with her daughter and questions why the same advice, given a year apart, yielded such different results

21:58   How the book addresses common parenting challenges

35:18   Jen’s perspective on neurodiversity in the context of the book's approach

41:01   The importance of addressing privilege and White supremacy in parenting

46:10   The feasibility of meeting everyone's needs in society

52:30   Wrapping up