CASPA opens up in less than 1 month. You’re anxious. You want to know how do I know if I’m picking the right school? What should I be doing as a Pre-PA? 

This episode is all you Pre-PA and PA students. 

If you’re just starting out on your Pre-PA path or ready to start applying to Physician Assistants programs, we’ve got you covered. Erin and I  give you the scoop about what to do before you even start thinking about Physician Assistant school.  

We’ve also got tips to make you a competitive Physician Assistant applicant and smooth your transition from PA student to Physician Assistant, Certified. 

Listen in as Sam and Erin discuss:

➕The importance of prior work experience

➕What Physician Assistant life looks like

➕How to pick the best Physician Assistant program for you

➕ How we really need about our program 

Fair warning- we drop off major F bombs in this episode. We are not holding back!