It's time for the boys to say goodbye to Your New Opinion. But before they go, they've got one last doozy of an episode for you, dear listener.

Join Ryan, as always here with his co-hosts, Nick, Ben, Mike, and Grant in this ultimate showdown finale! The boys enter into a bracket-style tournament that can only have one winner. Also, find out the stats across all 248 episodes. Also also, find out if Mike really ever understood the point of the show. Also also also, find out if the boys did actually care about you listening.

Discussion topics include: abs, free will, what it means to be human, Calvin & Hobbes, Psy, Jar Jar Binks, privacy, web cookies, gramnmar, podcasting, sex workers, couches, squirting out kids, birth control, Stephen King, talking cars, up, Australia, Val Kilmer, American saviours, imaginary numbers, computers, Jeff Bezos, charity, unemployment, Andrew Yang, blame, chaos theory, wedding receptions, classy nights, vape juice, dancing aliens, sweaty nerds with glow lights, Lee Pace, Dune, the prison industrial complex, airports, Harry and the Hendersons, Phil Hartman, adoption, loving parents, steampunk, cinematography, imitations of life, and Spongebob pores.