In a candid conversation with Kabbalah teacher David Ghiyam, Christina dives into the intricacies of love, the paradox of desire, and the soul's true calling. They challenge traditional concepts of soulmates, confront conflicting desires, and highlight the transformative power of spiritual awareness. Whether you're seeking insights on love or the deeper purpose of life's journey, this episode delivers sharp, soul-stirring revelations.

Follow David @davidghiyam and dive deeper into Kabbalah at Join Christina's journey on Instagram @christinaweber and @wedeepen.

Discover more about the events Christina highlighted: SolarPunk Summit (Oct 12-15) in Kingsbury, TX, Desire on Fire (Oct 13-15) in Austin, TX, Unleash! Transformational Festival (Nov 2-5) in Sacramento, CA, and Wonderland Conference (Nov 9-11) in Miami, FL. Register now at

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