Are you ready to quit your corporate job and start your business?

If this is you, then this episode is made for you!

In this episode,, I'm sharing something that I've never shared here before - my CEO origin story.

I'll take you on a journey of how I transitioned from being a corporate employee to a business owner.

I'll share my reasons for leaving a stable job at LinkedIn and how I started my business: the[in]academy.

It was a tough decision, but it led me to redefine success and gain autonomy over my life.

Leaving the comfort of my 9-to-5 job was a bold move, but deep down, I knew there was more to life than just clocking in and out.

I'll be sharing the pivotal moment that sparked my decision, the challenges I faced along the way, and the invaluable lessons I learned on my path to becoming a CEO!

Short on time? Here are the highlights from this episode:

[01:29] Why I quit my job at LinkedIn?
[01:57] My Founder Story
[03:59] How I started Theinacademy
[04:34[ What we offer [in]side my LinkedIn Program
[06:54] What is lacking in the Expert based business industry?
[07:52] New Business Direction
[09:11] Learn about my Insider Suite Experience 
[12:30] Save you front row seat [in]side my community 

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