Imagine this. You’re 16 years old and you’ve just finished playing 1 on 1 basketball with an older man on the court by your school. Surprisingly, the older guys plays a tough, competitive game. After the game, he hands you on a card. On the card is a name. Sam Walton That’s when you realize …

Imagine this.

You’re 16 years old and you’ve just finished playing 1 on 1 basketball with an older man on the court by your school. Surprisingly, the older guys plays a tough, competitive game. After the game, he hands you on a card. On the card is a name.

Sam Walton

That’s when you realize that you just played 1 on 1 basketball with the founder of Walmart!

Sound like a made-up story? It’s not. It happened just that way to Maxie Carpenter.

In this interview, Maxie shares how that encounter with Sam Walton on the basketball court led to a 27-year, corporate career with Walmart that ended with Maxie Carpenter as a Vice President.

Since retiring from Walmart, Maxie Carpenter has continued to work as a consultant, a writer, teacher, and a non-profit leader.

In this interview, you’ll hear amazing stories about the leadership lessons Maxie learned from his personal time with Sam Walton. In addition, he will share some of what he learned as the Vice President of  People, Training, and Communications at Walmart.

Clearly, Maxie has much to teach those in corporate positions but entrepreneurs can learn important lessons as well. Through his teaching as an Adjunct Professor at John Brown University, Maxie teaches classes in organizational management as well as entrepreneurism.

Are you a non-profit leader? You’ll want to hear about the cutting-edge work Maxie Carpenter is doing with Samaritan Community Centers of Northwest, Arkansas. Their cutting-edge programs and practices are helping other non-profits across the country.

After this interview, you can find to find out more about Maxie Carpenter.

You can connect with him at his site:

Twitter: @maxiecarpenter

Catch him here on Linked in.

