Most people interested in leadership or platform building know of Michael Hyatt. What some do not know is all the different experiences that contributed to Michael’s unusually potent influence. Riverstone Co-Founders, David Atchison and John Kramp have known and worked with Michael for more than 20 years. As a result, they use this interview with Michael …

Most people interested in leadership or platform building know of Michael Hyatt. What some do not know is all the different experiences that contributed to Michael’s unusually potent influence.

Riverstone Co-Founders, David Atchison and John Kramp have known and worked with Michael for more than 20 years. As a result, they use this interview with Michael Hyatt to probe some topics others have overlooked.

Since Michael has done hundreds of interviews on television, radio, and podcasts, it’s tough to find unasked questions. But in this episode, David and John ask questions that make it possible for Michael to expand on familiar themes and cover some new ground.

Why leadership scales when other activities do not
How corporate leadership and entrepreneurial leadership complement each other
Ways that managing margin in life gets harder and easier over time
Why leaders must act courageously in big and small ways every day
How much potential people have to develop as leaders
The reason it’s important to have “skin in the game” if you want to develop as a leader
Why failure remains essential to success
What a search for “Michael” on Google reveals (Hint: The results may surprise you.)

If you are not signed up for Michael Hyatt’s blog, you should do so. When you sign up, you’ll get access to his free ebook, Inside My Toolbox.

If you want to connect with Michael in other ways, or lean more about the work he does, try these options and links.

Twitter: @michaelhyatt


Top business magazines list Michael as an expert in leadership, management, and online marketing.

Inc. Magazine: Top 50 Leadership and Management Experts

Forbes Magazine: 10 Online Marketing Experts to Follow in 2014

After serving as the Chairman and CEO of Thomas Nelson, Michael Hyatt founded Intentional Leadership, an organization focused on helping leaders leverage influence.

Thousands of people have read his New York Times Bestselling book, Platform: Get Noticed in a Noisy World.  If you’re building your platform, you must read this book.

Michael also leads a vibrant, online community called, Platform University, that helps anyone with something important that needs to be said or sold.