Karen sits down with Israeli writer and activist Hen Mazzig, the son of Mizrahi Jewish refugees from Iraq and North Africa who’s made it his mission to share his family's story with the world. They chat about finding your own path in life and choosing a Jewish identity that’s meaningful to you, using social media for good, how to deal when society doesn’t accept parts of your identity, and why Mizrahi culture is the secret sauce that makes Israel so awesome.     You’ll find out:   - How his observant Mizrahi Israeli upbringing shaped his identity - and why he feels more Jewishly connected now than ever before, despite leading a more secular life - Using social media to empower Jews and other marginalized groups - How he came to embrace his Iraqi-Tunisian heritage despite facing discrimination growing up - Embracing the diversity of the Jewish world - What it was like growing up queer in a homphobic society - Facing discrimination as an Israeli in progressive circles - Tips on how to love being Jewish 10 times more than anyone hates you for it - Why he believes in always finding the best in people - Why being Jewish in the 21st century is a miracle - The importance of making sure Jewish identity is shaped by joy more than by fear and hatred - His favorite things about being Jewish - Why he loves hosting Shabbat dinners - and some of his favorite hosting hacks - Why Mizrahi culture is the secret sauce that makes Israel awesome - All about his upcoming book on Jews from the Middle East and North Africa, coming out in late 2022     LINKS:   Hen’s website https://www.henmazzig.com/
Hen on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/henmazzig/?hl=en
Hen on Twitter https://twitter.com/HenMazzig
I promise to love being Jewish 10x more than anyone hates me for it https://www.instagram.com/p/CYJyUt6tjVT/
Buttmitzvah https://www.facebook.com/buttmitzvah/
Kubbeh recipe https://www.jewishfoodsociety.org/posts/2018/6/8/preserving-a-kurdish-recipe-one-kubbeh-at-a-time


Smashing Life, my Jewish community for women


Karen sits down with Israeli writer and activist Hen Mazzig, the son of Mizrahi Jewish refugees from Iraq and North Africa who’s made it his mission to share his family's story with the world. They chat about finding your own path in life and choosing a Jewish identity that’s meaningful to you, using social media for good, how to deal when society doesn’t accept parts of your identity, and why Mizrahi culture is the secret sauce that makes Israel so awesome.     You’ll find out:   - How his observant Mizrahi Israeli upbringing shaped his identity - and why he feels more Jewishly connected now than ever before, despite leading a more secular life - Using social media to empower Jews and other marginalized groups - How he came to embrace his Iraqi-Tunisian heritage despite facing discrimination growing up - Embracing the diversity of the Jewish world - What it was like growing up queer in a homphobic society - Facing discrimination as an Israeli in progressive circles - Tips on how to love being Jewish 10 times more than anyone hates you for it - Why he believes in always finding the best in people - Why being Jewish in the 21st century is a miracle - The importance of making sure Jewish identity is shaped by joy more than by fear and hatred - His favorite things about being Jewish - Why he loves hosting Shabbat dinners - and some of his favorite hosting hacks - Why Mizrahi culture is the secret sauce that makes Israel awesome - All about his upcoming book on Jews from the Middle East and North Africa, coming out in late 2022     LINKS:   Hen’s website https://www.henmazzig.com/ Hen on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/henmazzig/?hl=en Hen on Twitter https://twitter.com/HenMazzig I promise to love being Jewish 10x more than anyone hates me for it https://www.instagram.com/p/CYJyUt6tjVT/ Buttmitzvah https://www.facebook.com/buttmitzvah/ Kubbeh recipe https://www.jewishfoodsociety.org/posts/2018/6/8/preserving-a-kurdish-recipe-one-kubbeh-at-a-time


Smashing Life, my Jewish community for women


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